Bosun's Chairs
With the new design concept, enabling you to stand up and walk around wearing the chair. Just hook onto the halyard and the chair takes up shape - comfortable and safe.
• Made in blue acrylic, with bright yellow straps for better visibility at night.
• Adjustable strap between the legs to stop knees from being pinched together.
• Chair Holdall clips onto the side as a toolbag, giving secure stowage for tools aloft.
• Floats if dropped overboard - even with several tools in it.
• Pocket to fit a wooden seat (Part No. 19-35), if required.
• Recommended for climbing a spar with ‘mast steps’.
• To work at the very top of the mast, above the halyard. sheave, use with SOLENT TOPCLIMBER. (Part No. 19-37)